V2.2: Relations

Relations own the responsibility of querying your database. They encode what data exists in the table, how to coerce SQL types into Ruby types and vice-versa, and how this table relates to others.

Relations are named in the plural form because they model a collection of data.

They are located in the relations directory of their respective Slice. So, for an App-level database config:

# Located in app/relations/books.rb
module Bookshelf
  module Relations
    class Books < Hanami::DB::Relation

Alternately, if there were located in a Main slice it would be in slices/main/relations

All registered relations for the slice are available under the relations namespace. For instance, if we have books, authors, publishers, and languages as relations, we can expect the following keys:

  • relations.authors
  • relations.books
  • relations.languages
  • relations.publishers

Although you can inject these relations into your business objects, you will seldom need to do this because Hanami Repos will already have access to all of them.


The simplest way to define your schema is to allow ROM to infer it from your database directly:

module Bookshelf
  module Relations
    class Books < Hanami::DB::Relation
      schema :books, infer: true

The first argument to schema is your table name. You can alias this within ROM using the as: keyword.

This should be your starting point in most cases, and you can usually leave it as-is.

However, sometimes you want to customize how types are coerced in Ruby. This is done by overriding the inferred types.

module Bookshelf
  module Relations
    class Books < Hanami::DB::Relation
      schema :books, infer: true do
        primary_key :id
        attribute :status, Types::String, read: Types::Coercible::Symbol

By default, the type of an attribute is used for both reading and writing. In the above case, we’re providing a different type for reading, so it is converted to a Symbol when read from the DB and back to a string when written.

id = books.insert(title: "Hanami", status: :released)
# => { id: 1, title: "Hanami", status: :released }

The Types namespace available to Relations comes from ROM::SQL::Types and is built from dry-types.

Normally, dry-types model a single type with optional coercion logic. However, SQL introduces a two-fold coercion due to the difference between SQL and Ruby types. When these types diverge, the first type argument is the SQL type to be written, and you pass a read: argument with the Ruby type.

With more complex DB types like JSONB, you may want to define a type constant to encapsulate the necessary transformation rules. This is particularly useful when you want to instantiate a value object.

module Bookshelf
  module Relations
    class Credentials < Hanami::DB::Relation
      JWKS = Types.define(JWT::JWK::Set) do
        input { |jwks| Types::PG::JSONB[jwks.export] }
        output { |jsonb| JWT::JWK::Set.new(jsonb.to_h) }

      schema infer: true do
        attribute :jwks, JWKS

Let’s go over what that is doing step-by-step.

  1. Types.define(JWT::JWK::Set) establishes a Nominal Type wrapper for the JWT::JWK::Set object
  2. The input constructor prepares the data to be sent to the DB:
    • Export the JWKS from a class instance to a Hash structure
    • Convert the hash to a Types::PG::JSONB so it will be correctly typed as jsonb data
  3. The output constructor take the JSONB data from the DB and hydrates the JWT::JWK::Set class with it

Constructing this by hand would look like this:

  .constructor { |jwks| Types::PG::JSONB[jwks.export] }
    read: Types.Nominal(JWT::JWK::Set)
          .constructor { |jsonb| JWT::JWK::Set.new(jsonb.to_h) }

As you can see, the read option we used in the earlier example is a shorthand for adding the appropriate metadata to the write type. ROM uses type metadata to indicate various domain-specific features of the attribute, like primary key status.

module Bookshelf
  module Relations
    class Books < Hanami::DB::Relation
      schema :books, infer: true do
        # shorthand syntax
        primary_key :id

        # This is equivalent
        attribute :id, Types::Integer.meta(primary_key: true)


Establishing canonical relationships between relations is how ROM supports aggregating data together in queries.

These relationships are called associations and they are defined within a schema block using the associations helper combined with a handful of different relationship helpers.


books id bigint publisher_id bigint title text isbn13 varchar(13) language_id bigint pages int publication_date date publishers id bigint name text

One-to-many associations are established with has_many.

module Bookshelf
  module Relations
    class Publishers < Hanami::DB::Relation
      schema :publishers, infer: true do
        associations do
          has_many :books

has_many is also aliased as one_to_many.


books id bigint publisher_id bigint title text isbn13 varchar(13) language_id bigint pages int publication_date date languages id bigint code varchar(2) name text

Many-to-one associations are established with belongs_to. They reference the other table in singular form.

module Bookshelf
  module Relations
    class Books < Hanami::DB::Relation
      schema :books, infer: true do
        associations do
          belongs_to :language

    class Languages < Hanami::DB::Relation
      schema :languages, infer: true do
        associations do
          has_many :books

belongs_to is a shortcut for many_to_one :languages, as: :language.


books id bigint publisher_id bigint title text isbn13 varchar(13) language_id bigint pages int publication_date date authorships id bigint book_id bigint author_id bigint order int authors id bigint given_name text family_name text

Many-to-many associations are established with has_many with the through: option.

module Bookshelf
  module Relations
    class Books < Hanami::DB::Relation
      schema :books, infer: true do
        associations do
          has_many :authors, through: :authorships

    class Authorships < Hanami::DB::Relation
      schema :authorships do
        primary_key :id

        # These may also be inferred from the db if
        # they are actual foreign keys, but this is
        # how you would do it manually.
        attribute :book_id, Types.ForeignKey(:books)
        attribute :author_id, Types.ForeignKey(:authors)
        attribute :order, Types::Integer

        associations do
          belongs_to :book
          belongs_to :author

    class Authors < Hanami::DB::Relation
      schema :authors, infer: true do
        has_many :books, through: :authorships


If you don’t wish to use the table name as your relation name, aliasing the relation with as: is simple:

module Bookshelf
  module Relations
    class Authorships < Hanami::DB::Relation
      schema :books_authors, infer: true, as: :authorships

    class Books < Hanami::DB::Relation
      schema :books, infer: true do
        associations do
          has_many :books_authors, as: :authorships, relation: :authorships

In addition to the relation name in Repositories, the alias is also used by auto-mapping when you combine relations together. More on combines later.

This is also useful for building multiple relation classes against the same table, if you have radically different use-cases and want to separate them.

Custom Foreign Keys

Integer-based primary keys are the normal case, but you will sometimes want to work with other types. This is supported by ROM’s ForeignKey type. Integer is the default, but this can be overwritten:

module Bookshelf
  module Relations
    class Credentials < Hanami::DB::Relation
      schema :credentials, infer: true do
        attribute :user_id, Types.ForeignKey(:users, Types::PG::UUID)

As with Types.define referenced earlier, this is just setting up metadata on your type definition:

Types::Nominal(::String).meta(db_type: "uuid", database: "postgres", foreign_key: true, target: :users)


Hanami supports querying the database using a query builder, a pattern that provides a Ruby DSL to generate SQL for you.

SQL query building is a gigantic topic, so this will only scratch the suface of what is possible.

ROM Relations are built on top of Sequel Datasets. Inspect the generated SQL of a relation by calling .dataset.sql on it.

Dual Syntactic Conventions

ROM provides query-building DSL into two forms: a simple Hash-based syntax, and a more complex expression-based syntax.

These queries are equivalent:

books.where(publication_date: Date.new(2024, 11, 5))
books.where { publication_date.is(Date.new(2024, 11, 5)) }

What is the purpose of having two different solutions to this problem? In most cases, a simple interface to match values is sufficient. But for more complicated scenarios, a more powerful interface is necessary. (This helps avoid dropping down to SQL strings to query your data.)

Instead of matching a date exactly, what if we wanted to match just the year part:

books.where { date_part('year', publication_date) > 2020 }

An approach wedded to Hash syntax may just give up here, and require you to write SQL as a string instead, but we can achieve much more with ROM’s expression syntax.

Proc-based queries leverage Sequel VirtualRows to support more complex expressions involving functions and operators.

Negative Restrictions

where is easy enough, but often we want to assert what shouldn’t be included:

# No short reads allowed, hefty tomes only!
books.exclude(pages: ...1000)
books.exclude { pages < 1000 }


In relational algebra, the definition of what columns you are collecting as part of the query is called the projection. ROM uses the select method to perform this operation, named after the SQL operation of the same name.

books.select(:id, :title).first
books.select { [id, title] }.first
# => { id: 1, title: "To Kill a Mockingbird" }

Multiple calls to select will replace the existing projection. If you wish to add to it, use select_append.

books.select(:id, :title).select(:pages).first
# => { pages: 336 }

books.select(:id, :title).select_append(:pages).first
# => { id: 1, title: "To Kill a Mockingbird", pages: 336 }


If the default Ascending order is sufficient, you can use plain arguments:


However, if you want to specify order direction, use the expression syntax:

books.order { [publication_date.desc, title.asc] }

Every call to order will replace any existing order.

unordered will remove any current ordering.

Dynamic Columns

ROM supports some limited type coercion of dynamic columns by prefixing it with a type name:

  :title=>"To Kill a Mockingbird",
  :publication_date=><Date: 1960-07-11>},
  :title=>"Go Set a Watchman",
  :publication_date=><Date: 2016-05-03>}]

books.select {[
  integer::count(:id).filter(pages < 300).as(:short),
  integer::count(:id).filter(pages > 300).as(:long)
{total: 2, short: 1, long: 1}

This combines a few different ideas:

  • integer::count(:id) defines a typed SQL function call with an argument
  • as(:total) aliases the column using SQL AS syntax
  • filter(pages < 300) is an Aggregate Expression

These types are references to those defined in ROM::SQL::Types, so these should work:

  • bool
  • date
  • datetime
  • decimal
  • float
  • hash
  • integer
  • json
  • range
  • serial
  • string
  • time

But if you need complex type coercions, use ROM’s schema system.

Case Expressions

Case branches are defined as Hash tuples, with an else: keyword covering the default case.

books.select {[
    quantity.is(0) => "out-of-stock",
    (quantity < 100) => "low-stock",
    else: "in-stock"


Every Relation in ROM is initialized with a default dataset that automatically selects all columns. You can adjust this by using the dataset helper.

module Bookshelf
  module Relations
    class Books < Hanami::DB::Relation
      schema :books, infer: true

      dataset do
        select(:id, :title, :publication_date).order(:publication_date)

Let’s say you want to automatically hide any record with an archived_at timestamp by default, to simulate deletion.

module Bookshelf
  module Relations
    class Books < Hanami::DB::Relation
      schema :books, infer: true

      dataset { where(archived_at: nil) }

You can always use the unfiltered method to get back to a blank slate:

books.unfiltered.exclude(archived_at: nil)


We’ve all probably seen an application that uses SQL queries directly throughout, without a proper abstraction to hide this responsibility. This is poor architecture, because not only does it lead to lots of repetition, but it also creates more work for you when the schema of the database changes.

In Hanami applications, we strongly recommend that you encapsulate this responsibility in the proper Relation class.

Scopes are methods of the Relation class that assist in building queries. They are chainable, because every scope method returns a new version of the Relation class.

By default, every schema with a primary key defined gets the by_pk scope:

# => { id: 1, title: "To Kill a Mockingbird", publication_date: #<Date 1960-07-11> }

This is equivalent to writing:

books.where(id: 1).one

or simply:


Query-building is terminated by one for single records, and to_a for multiple. You can also use each with a relation directly.

Since scopes are just methods, adding your own is this simple:

module Bookshelf
  module Relations
    class Books < Hanami::DB::Relation
      schema :books, infer: true

      def recent = where { publication_date > Date.new(2020, 1, 1) }

It is now present on the relation objects:

# => SELECT id, title, publication_date FROM books WHERE publication_date > '2020-01-01'