V2.1: Customization

To customize your assets compilation, update config/assets.js to match the following:

import * as assets from "hanami-assets";

await assets.run({
  esbuildOptionsFn: (args, esbuildOptions) => {
    // Add to esbuildOptions here. Use `args.watch` as a condition for different options for
    // compile vs watch.

    return esbuildOptions;

Inside esbuildOptionsFn, update esbuildOptions to set your own esbuild options for asset compilation. By the time this function runs, hanami-assets has set its own necessary options on esbuildOptions.

If you want to apply different options when compiling assets (for production) versus watching assets (for development), use args.watch as a conditional.

await assets.run({
  esbuildOptionsFn: (args, esbuildOptions) => {
    if (args.watch) {
      // watch mode (development) options here
    } else {
      // compile mode (production) options here

    return esbuildOptions;

Slice asset customization

You can customise asset compilation for an individual slice by creating a config/assets.js within the slice directory. This will be used in preference to the config file at the top level.