V2.1: Parts

All values returned from your exposures are decorated by parts, which provide a home for view-specific behavior alongside your app’s domain objects.

Parts are fully integrated into the view rendering environment, which means that anything you can do from a template, you can also do from a part. This includes accessing the context as well as rendering partials and building scopes.

This means you can move much of your view logic out of templates and into parts. This makes your templates simpler and easier to follow, and puts your view logic into a place where it can be reused and refactored using typical object oriented approaches, as well as tested in isolation.

Defining part classes

Parts are kept in the Views::Parts namespace within your app or slice. For example:

# app/views/parts/book.rb

# auto_register: false

module Bookshelf
  module Views
    module Parts
      class Book < Bookshelf::Views::Part

It’s recommended to define a base part for the other parts in the app or slice to inherit:

# app/views/part.rb

# auto_register: false

module Bookshelf
  module Views
    class Part < Hanami::View::Part

Associating parts with exposures

When your exposure values are decorated as parts, the associated part classes are looked up based on each exposure’s name.

For example, given an exposure named :book, the Views::Parts::Book class will be looked up within your app or slice.

For an exposure that returns an array, the exposure’s name will be singularized and each element in the array will be decorated with the relevant part. Then the array itself will be decorated by a matching part.

For example, given an exposure named :books, Views::Part::Book will be used to decorate each value in the array, and then Views::Part::Books will be used to decorate the whole array.

If you have no part class matching an exposure’s name, then a generic Hanami::View::Part will be used.

Specifying parts from exposures

You can specify a part name used to decorate any given exposure. To do this, use the as: option:

# Will decorate the current_user with `Views::Parts::User`
expose :current_user, as: :user do
  # ...

You can also provide a concrete part class to as:

expose :current_user, as: Parts::User

For exposures returning arrays:

  • expose :books, as: :item will look up Views::Parts::Item to decorate the array elements, and Views::Parts::Items to decorate the array itself
  • expose :books, as: [:item_collection] will look up Views::Parts::Book to decorate the array elements, and Views::Parts::ItemCollection for decorating the array itself
  • expose :books, as: [:item_collection, :item] will look up Views::Parts::Item to decorate the array elements, and Views::Parts::ItemCollection for decorating the array itself

For all the as: structures above, you may also provide concrete part classes instead of symbolic names.

Accessing the value

When using a part, you can call any methods that belong to the decorated value, and the part will delegate those methods to the value (via #method_missing). This means the part should “quack” just like the value that it wraps.

For example, from a template:

<!-- All the book methods are callable directly on the part -->
<p><%= book.title %></p>

This also applies when defining methods in your own part classes:

class Book < Bookshelf::Views::Part
  # `title` and `publication_date` are methods on the decorated book
  def display_name
    "#{title} (#{publication_date})"

In the case of naming collisions, or when overriding a method from the value, you can access the value directly via #value (or #_value as an alias, in case the decorated value itself responding to #value):

class Book < Bookshelf::Views::Part
  def title

String conversion

When output directly to a template, a part will use its value’s #to_s (which you can also override in your own part classes):

<p><%= book %></p>

Rendering partials

To return complex markup from part methods, you can use the #render method to render a partial, with the part object included in that partial’s own locals:

class Book < Bookshelf::Views::Part
  def info_box
<%= book.info_box %>

This will render a books/_info_box partial template with the part available as book within the partial.

You can also render such partials explicitly within templates:

<%= book.render("books/info_box") %>

To make the part available by another local name within the partial’s scope, us the as: option:

render("books/info_box", as: :item)

You can also provide additional locals for the partial:

render("books/info_box", title_label: "Book info")

Accessing helpers

You can access helpers on a helpers object within the part:

class Book < Bookshelf::Views::Part
  def cover_url
    value.cover_url || helpers.asset_url("book-cover-default.png")

Making the helpers available via helpers avoids potential naming collisions, since parts can wrap all kinds of different values, each with their own range of different method names.

Accessing the context

You can access the context for the view’s current rendering using the #context method (or #_context as an alias, in case the decorated value responds to #context):

class Book < Bookshelf::Views::Part
  def path
    context.routes.path(:book, id)

Decorating part attributes

The value decorated by your part may have its own attributes that you also want decorated. To do this, declare these attribute decorate in your part class:

class Book < Bookshelf::Views::Part
  # Returns the author as a Views::Parts::Author
  decorate :author

You can pass the same as: option to decorate as you do to exposures:

# Returns the author as a Views::Parts::Person
decorate :author, as: :person

Memoizing methods

A part object lives for the entirety of a single view rendering, so you can memoize expensive operations to ensure they only run once:

class Book < Bookshelf::Views::Part
  # Returns the author as a Views::Parts::Author
  decorate :author

Building scopes

To build custom scopes from within a part, use the #scope method (or #_scope as an alias, in case the decorated value responds to #_scope):

class Book < Bookshelf::Views::Part
  def info_box
    scope(:info_box, size: :large).render